book cover design
The truth is, everyone judges a book by its cover
Evening Sky Publishing Services offers professional, custom-made & timely book cover design services for both Fiction and Non-fiction authors. As a visual representation of your novel, your book cover is the most crucial marketing tool available to you. Working closely together, our team will create an appealing and memorable cover to perfectly complement your manuscript.
Here at Evening Sky, we offer a book cover design with the highest quality stock images available. We can also provide exclusive photo art from professional photographers if needed. We design eBook covers and paperback covers that meet the latest specifications required by all the major retailers.
We will provide you with:
a high-resolution jpeg of your eCover accepted at all major retailers (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, Google Play, Smashwords, Chapters),
a high-resolution pdf of your Print Cover designed specifically to your printer's requirements (KDP Print, Ingram/Lightning Source, Lulu),
a high-resolution jpeg of your Paperback (if desired),
these jpegs can be provided in any size you require for your marketing efforts,
other files can be produced if needed (See Extras - Facebook Page covers, Twitter Headers, 3D renders, Website Banners, etc.).
If you're in a hurry and need a cover quickly, then check out our Pre-made Cover Store. All covers are available for sale, will be sold only once, and come with speedy turnaround time.
eBook Covers

$199 USD
Professional Custom Designed eBook Cover
High resolution jpeg optimised for all retailers
Draft within 14 days
Unlimited revisions
No stock images fee
100% money back guarantee
Print Covers

$100 USD
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Professional Full Wrap Cover including Spine and Back
High resolution pdf for KDP Print, Ingram or Lulu
Draft within 7 days
Unlimited revisions
No stock images fee
100% money back guarantee
eBook & Print

$299 USD
This is your Product Description. Use this space to describe this product in more detail.
Professional Custom Designed eBook Cover
High resolution jpeg & pdf optimised for all retailers
Draft within 14 days
Unlimited revisions
No stock images fee
100% money back guarantee